Siltais laiks un strauj? sniega kušana pirmdien un otrdien p?rsteidza Zelti?u pagasta iedz?vot?jus, jo Melnupe izg?ja no krastiem, appl?dinot ce?us un p?avas.
Siltais laiks un strauj? sniega kušana pirmdien un otrdien p?rsteidza Zelti?u pagasta iedz?vot?jus, jo Melnupe izg?ja no krastiem, appl?dinot ce?us un p?avas.
I am the same person as you and everyone else. I have had no heartbreaking tragedies in my life and no fantastic, unusual,cruel or good experiences, nothing like that. At least the way I see it. Then why, I ask, everyone believes that ...